Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas...

Christmas is here! I absolutely love this time of year, the snow, the freezing cold, Chicago... OH WAIT! I'm in Texas now.  I do still love this time of year, but it's definitely different this year. It is quite cold here, around the high 30s the past few days (Yes, I know it's much colder in the north right now!). However, I still have so many things that make this holiday really special!

For starters, it means my birthday is here!! This year, I'll be turning 21, which means..... I can finally cook with wine!!! (Yes, I turn 21 and that is what I am MOST excited about!). I also love all the Christmas lights and the Christmas cooking! All of those things I can have no matter where we are!

This year is our first year to actually have a home to decorate.  This is really exciting, but I am realizing how little we have.  I will definitely be stocking up for next year... AFTER Christmas! Here is a little window into Christmas at the Gilliam's this year.

This Cinnamon Roll Cake was absolutely amazing!! Check out the recipe over at Cookin Up North. Definitely Worth it!! 

Doesn't that just look absolutely delicious???  

Kendall wasn't the most excited about decorating for Christmas, initially... This was his reaction!  

Last year, I decorated an ornament for our family, but this guy was too cute! I just had to keep him for ourselves!!! 

I absolutely love Christmas decorations!! 

My parents gave me a nativity set a few years ago :) This is the first time I got to set it up! 

Playing with Bokeh :) 

And the stockings were hung by the Chimney with care... 

My recent project! 

Homemade snowflakes!  

Playing with the reflection :) 

Last year, I became an aunt!! What a great gift for that year! 

What are some traditions for Christmas in your house?


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